Bowling, Facilities & Visitors


Our bowling is at all levels – social, inter-club team matches, club and local competitions through to County representation. You may wish to play social bowling or you may like to play for one of our teams or enter Club or local competitions. It’s entirely your choice. Whatever your bowling experience, from absolute beginners to seasoned players, there’s a place for you. To find out how to join the club, please click on membership.The club enters two ladies’ teams, two ladies’ veterans’ teams, two mixed teams, two mixed veterans’ teams and two mixed doubles teams in local leagues. All league players must have a BCGBA membership card (you can join via the club) available before joining a team. We also organise several club trophy and social bowling competitions during the season open to all members. To view the club’s Constitution and Rules click on constitution and for the general laws of the game click on Laws of the Game. Individual leagues have their own additional rules. Various organisations give advice on bowls selection and tactics.


We own our own Clubhouse, which gives us a large, comfortable room and a fully fitted kitchen with tea-making, microwave  etc facilities. We have our own toilet but also share the toilets in the cricket pavilion, which includes a toilet for people with disabilities. The green has modern floodlights to allow evening use and there is a convenient car park for the use of members and visitors. The sheltered area for viewing games has recently been extended and disabled access provided for those wishing to view the bowling but unable to play.


There’s usually somebody on the green every day during the season, playing social bowling. Visitors are welcome to use the green for a small daily fee (£2 per player). If you are thinking of joining the club but would prefer to try your hand at bowling first, let us know and we will arrange try-out sessions for you. If you wish to join the club, please complete a membership form and hand it in at the Club.